Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Reminders and Announcements

Hello Students!

As we at the Super Wizard Tower begin to resume normal operation once more, the Council has asked me to remind everyone of a few things.

Current list of missing students (As assembled by Super Wizard Lazer Gaiden)

Wolf Knight and Burning Mermaid: Currently on an epic quest to collect blood samples from the eight Deathlords of the Dark Undercold.

Turbo Thunder: Currently visiting family, visit taking longer than expected.  We'll be following up with his family soon to see where he's gotten off to.

Space Slayer and Lesser Evil: Presumably still lost in other dimensions / alternate realities. Subjects of an ongoing investigation regarding the murder of a young eyeball waterfall / beat boxing mouth.*
*The council also has no idea what to make of this and is trying to decide if it's a prank or not.

Taco Lightning: Still missing, possibly having been kidnapped by otherworldly forces. Not located in the Nightmare Closet. Possibly in the basement.  Rumors that she is being held in the West Wing should be discounted, as the West Wing is still closed for repairs and also because there is no West Wing.

I think that's all of the missing students!  Now for some announcements.


Recreation and Quarantine Wing Lock down:  PLEASE NOTE that the Recreation and Quarantine Wing is still under lock down while we try and figure out what to do about the Rodeo Nova and Ninja Bunny situation.  This room should be avoided AT ALL COSTS*.  To prevent further incidents and confusion regarding this announcement, we have put all available locks on the entrance to this facility.  Students will be informed when/if this lock down is lifted.
*The only exception to this is if you’re on food duty, and even then, you should only use the designated feeding receptacles.

Note to Spooker Wizards:  Decorating with real bones, while not forbidden, is heavily frowned upon.  The Super Wizard Order can't really afford to be banned from any more Happyshine graveyards, so please keep this in mind.  Also, remember that "procuring" bones from your fellow students is absolutely against the rules.  Anyone who violates this rule will be given detention, kitchen duty, or Rodeo Nova/Ninja Bunny feeding duty, depending on availability.

Ghost of the Doomsday Scribe:  Please keep in mind that the Ghost of the Doomsday Scribe has begun ghost molting.  All of you know what this means, so please be mindful of it.

That should be all for now.  Stay tuned for Thursday, when we'll have a new bestiary entry, and Friday for the long awaited return of Q&A.