Thursday, June 1, 2017

Super Wizard Bestiary (Part 4)

Hello readers!

I, Lighting Tornado, have returned to you once more to continue our ongoing bestiary series!  It's good to be back, so let's get right into it!

Lil Reapers
Danger Level:  High
Where to find them:  These guys can show up pretty much anywhere.  They’re not very common, fortunately, and they’re usually nocturnal.  They tend to show up in places linked to despair, like graveyards and call centers.
Description:  These adorable, deadly, and highly marketable harbingers of death are some of the nastiest things you can run into.  Don’t let their diminutive statures and squeaky voices lull you into a false sense of security:  They can and will painfully extract the soul of anyone who gets too close, dooming the victim to a life of office work.
How to deal with them:  Avoid, if at all possible, and contact a professional Death Killer.

Hell Hounds
Danger Level:  Varies
Where to find them:  Varies.  Hell Hounds need to be summoned to the mortal plane, and rogue hound summoners blessedly rare.  The only known example is Rodeo Nova, and where she learned to do this is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation.
Description:  These infernal puppers are as dangerous as they are cute, and as varied as standard run of the mill dogs.  Unlike standard dogs, however, smaller size tends to denote higher levels of danger.  Some Hell Hounds only want lovies and walkies.  Others want to use you and/or your soul as a chew toy.
How to deal with them:  In spite of the infernal pits from which these nefarious pooches are still dogs and just as distracted by a thrown ball or stick.  Don’t make the rookie mistake of offering them treats you don’t actually possess, however.  There’s no quicker way to enrage a Hell Hound than the promise of false treats.

Heck Hounds
Danger Level:  Low
Where to find them:  See above
Description:  Heck Hounds have a lot in common with Hell Hounds.  They come from the same place, they're summoned in (mostly) the same ways, and they come in all shapes and sizes.  They are, however, far less dangerous than Hell Hounds.  Legends have it that the concept for Heck Hounds came from an infernal board room meeting, where it was decided that they needed to make Hell Hounds more appealing to the hip young demon summoner demographic.  In reality, they're more often mistakingly summoned by someone trying to make a Hell Hound.  Turns out if most people want a dog, they'll just get a normal dog.
How to deal with them:  Heck Hounds don't really present much of a threat.  Some demon summoners who don't like the risk/danger/soul upkeep of Hell Hounds even like to keep them as pets.  It's somewhat difficult to tell the difference between the two, so they can serve as danger deterrents to someone not learned enough to tell them apart.

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