Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Super Wizard Bestiary (Part 5)

Hello readers!  Lighting Tornado here with another bestiary update!  I'm also working on an additional series that will be about various non-beast entities and dangers around Happyshine.

Void Hounds
Danger Level:  Unspeakable
Where to find them:  Ancient dead cities, dark corners of the earth, the Super Wizard Tower Kitchen, or in the company of Rodeo Nova*.
Description:  Void hounds can only very loosely be referred to as dogs.  Their actual appearances (assuming others look like the only one we've seen) are huge, amorphous masses of dog-like protrusions, including tails and heads.  Often surrounded by gibbering cultists.
How to deal with them:  To be honest, we only recently confirmed that Void hounds exist during the Rodeo Nova/Ninja Bunny war.  As much as I hate to admit it, the only reliable way we have of dealing with them are to get Rodeo Nova.  The one we've seen caused untold destruction, but it's unclear whether this was done maliciously or if the monstrosity is, in fact, just another (horrifying) sort of dog.  Rodeo Nova claims "All dogs and dog-like things require my love, even the eldritch ones."
*Magistrate Snugglebutt the Unspeakable.

Carnivorous Happiness Flies
Danger Level:  High
Where to find them:  Near Happyshine Happiness industrial waste disposal facilities
Description:  As most know, Happiness is the primary export of Happyshine, and we produce a lot of it.  The extreme levels of toxicity in the production (not to mention the finished product) is lethal to most living beings, but standard house flies seem to have a defense of sorts to this.  Instead of killing them, it causes them to mutate into the horrific Carnivorous Happiness Flies.  One of them is dangerous enough, but they usually swarm.
How to deal with them:  As a general rule, Happiness Flies don't stray too far from happiness waste disposal facilities.  Studies regarding the creatures have been few and far between because of how dangerous they are, but prevailing theories are that once the mutation occurs, they need the waste or something in the waste for continued survival.  That being said, improvements have long since been made to hazardous happiness suits to add protection against fly attacks.  Unless you have a job handling happiness, you'll probably never run into these creatures.  As part of the their safety requirements, most companies that produce Happyshine Happiness are required to staff Happiness Fly exterminators, but you know how corporations can be.

Evil Rainbows
Danger Level:  Most of the time, none, but they are pretty creepy
Where to find them:  After evil rain.
Description:  Few things are as horrifying as evil rainbows*, those colorful bands of light that rain blood onto the land below them.  Contrary to popular belief, however, the raining blood is actually a trick of the light**.
How to deal with them:  In most cases, your best best is to just look the other way.  Unless the evil rainbow is also a vampire, but they're not very common.
*Not to be confused with Rainbow Evil, the popular Happyshine cartoon character
**In most cases

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