Friday, February 10, 2017

Q&A With Lighting Tornado?

Hello readers!  Lighting Tornado here.

It's finally time.  I can't possibly say how long I've been waiting for this.  The Council has ruled that Lazer Gaiden probably isn't coming back, so it's finally...finally time...for Q&A With Lighting Tornado!

Hold on, someone's knocking at the door.


Hello readers!  It's been some time, hasn't it?  I apologize for my absence, to get myself locked in the Tower's nightmare closet.  I'm not really sure why we have that, but thankfully Throat-Punch Ballet helped me escape while montaging himself out of the basement.  The good news is that we're free!  The bad news is that we're still no closer to figuring out where the basement actually is.

Anyway, Lighting Tornado has been relegate to the corner with the spray bottle again, as per the standard procedure when dealing with interns.  So with that out of the way, I shall resume Q&A.  Oh how I've missed this!  Let's see what questions you have that I may answer, my friends!

What's this I hear about rabbit transmogrification classes? Why aren't you offering dog transmogrification? After all, why would you want a table, or a chair, or an awful soul-sucking book when you could have a giant cuddly puppy with sharp teeth?
-Rodeo Nova

Hello again, readers.  This is Lighting Tornado again.  I'm not sure exactly what caused this to happen, but Lazer Gaiden suddenly sat bolt upright at his desk and slammed his fist through the glass covering of an emergency button on the wall that I never seemed to have noticed and then leaped out the window.  There's a label of some sort by the button, hold on...'In case of Rodeo Nova incident, break glass.'  Ah.

Looks like he managed to survive the fall unscathed.  Not sure how he did that, we're pretty high up.  I guess that's why he's the Super Wizard and I'm the intern.  It looks like he's trying to set the tower on fire now?  That's not going to work, the Tower's made of stone.

The Council just left the Tower now, probably drawn out by this piercing alarm, and they're trying to get Lazer Gaiden to calm down I think.  Elder Bob just slapped him, and it looks like that worked.  I can't quite hear them from up here, but I think Lazer Gaiden is explaining the situation to them now?  Ah, yeah, that's probably it, because now the Council is trying to help him set the Tower on fire.  Still made of stone, guys.

I should probably go.  At the rate they're going, they might end up succeeding.  Until next time, readers.

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