Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Kingdom of Happyshine (Part 1)

Hello everyone!  Intern Super Wizard Tornado Lighting* here!  I'm filling in for Lazer Gaiden today, and he's tasked me with writing a bit about the Kingdom of Happyshine.
*Before you ask, because everyone does, not a typo.  I was really bad at spelling when I took the naming ceremony and it's forbidden for Super Wizards to change their names.

The Kingdom of Happyshine is known for many things, as has been touched on at several points in the past.  In the main city you can find the Super Wizard Tower, of course, but there's a number of other important locations.  Happyshine is the name of the main city as well as the surrounding country, and it contains a number of famous landmarks.

The Tower:  The Super Wizard Tower exists in the middle of Happyshine, and it's usually the first thing you can see when approaching the city.  It's very tall.  Of course, it's also not the only Super Wizard tower, but nobody cares about the other ones because they're *comments deleted*

Crimson Bovine headquarters:  Located on the outskirts of Happyshine, with no people living within a 5 mile radius for "undisclosed reasons," this is where Crimson Bovine makes their dark flavor magic happen!  I hear that the run-off from their factory intersected with a small village of some sort once, and *comments deleted, Tornado Lighting, please see me when you read this - Lazer Gaiden*.

The Cliffs of Inconceivable Frustration:  A short walk from the gates of the city of Happyshine will bring you to the Cliffs of Inconceivable Frustration.  It's actually a rather nice spot for a picnic, and the cliffs look rather pretty.  No one's been able to determine what exactly they're made of, but they bear the appearance of polished obsidian.  They're not obsidian though.  I hear one of the older Super Wizards said they're made of the physical manifestation of frustration, but that sounds stupid.

The Desert of Sorrow:  This place sucks.  It's hot, dry, and supernaturally depressing.  The Super Wizards are mounting an ongoing campaign to slay the desert, but I don't think they've had much success as of yet.  Most of the ones who have come back from there are depressed, but that might just be the desert talking.

The Cavern of Fireflies:  One of the prettier landmarks in Happyshine, the Cavern of Fireflies is the only place where you can find fireflies year round.  Normally, they just show up during the summer.  The Cavern doesn't really see a lot of travel, although they're the only realistic way to get to the Dark Undercold (not counting the Cliffs of Inconceivable Frustration, of course, but only an idiot would attempt that).  There's not a lot of people that actually WANT to go to the Dark Undercold.  People are more likely to be headed to and from Dim Underchilly, although not many people want to go there either.

The Forest of Ages:  The Forest of Ages lies on the other side of the Cavern of Fireflies.  I don't really know a whole lot about that place.  It's not dangerous, from what I hear, as long as you're not there at night.

The Plains of Abandonment:  One of the locations adjacent to the city of Happyshine. The Plains of Abandonment are weird.  They tend to attract things that have been lost for one reason or another.  People, objects, statues, pieces of buildings.  It's actually pretty common for people to wander the plains in search of things of value.  Doing that can be dangerous too though, I hear some guy "found" a tiger there once.   Well, I guess it would be more accurate to say the tiger found his lunch.  Heh.

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