Thursday, December 1, 2016

What does a Super Wizard do?

Something that I get asked with relative frequency from outsiders is what the Super Wizard order actually does.  It's a fair question from some, as our influence is not felt everywhere.  The truth is that the Super Wizard order does a number of tasks in the world over.  We can mobilize all our forces into the might of an army when the situation calls for it, and Super Wizard seniors often undertake their own assignments (both solitary and with small groups).

Epic questing is a very important part of being a Super Wizard, and the final graduation from student to senior Super Wizard requires the completion of an epic quest.  These quests can be taken solitary or as a small group, and are given to students when the council feels that they're prepared.  Any rumors that this tactic is used to "gently discourage" students from continuing their education are ridiculous and no to be believed*.
*Unless the quest involves the Cliffs of Inconceivable Frustration or the Dark Undercold, obviously.

A common misconception is that the Super Wizards are Happyshine's military.  This is not the case, as Happyshine has it's own military.  As a general rule, we don't work against Happyshine (we live here, and that would probably be frowned upon), but the Super Wizards go where they're needed.  Whether it's finding ancient, lost relics of unimaginable power* or stopping overly ambitious dictators*** from rising to power, there will always be a Super Wizard to rise to the task.
*Wealth, of course, being the unimaginable** power in most of these cases.
**Unimaginable sometimes being much more imaginable in reality, it turns out.
***Do you remember General Supermurder?  No?  You're welcome.

The main adversaries of the Super Wizard order are the Evil Deathlords of the Dark Undercold, situated somewhere to the north of Happyshine.  This has been the case for as long as anyone can remember, possibly since the founding of the order.  It's been that way for so long that no Super Wizard truly remembers how it began, and we possess no way to communicate with those (probably) evil bastards even if we wanted to.

In the future, I'll be going over some of the more notable achievements of the order.  The first of this series will be coming next week.  See you all for Q&A tomorrow!

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