What would happen if somebody...erm...went into the West Wing. By accident! Asking for a friend!
-Space Slayer
The West Wing does not exist. Those who enter the West Wing will be assigned mandatory kitchen duty.
Does the tower even stock shovels for digging? Cause sometimes you need to
-Rodeo Nova
No, the Tower doesn't actually stock shovels for digging purposes, although you can surely find one in Happyshine. If you're interested, the Super Wizard Tower also has an agreement with the Happyshine "Totally Legit" Vocational School (Down at the Docks branch) that allows our students to take non-credit courses. Enrolling is easy! All you need to do is go to warehouse 35, knock on the door five times and then whisper to the nearby barrel "If wishes were stars, the hours would walk." The barrel is not always in the same location, but it is always there. The barrel is always there. If the barrel is not there, you must run. Run as fast as you can, leave this place behind you, and above all, do NOT look back.
Once you get in, I think the class you're looking for is "Digging holes for fun, profit, and evidence disposal."
How deep is the bottomless pit in the ladies restroom?
-Lesser Evil
It's about 10 feet deep. On a related note, Lesser Evil, please stay out of the ladies restroom. There have been complaints, and the "I got lost" excuse will only work so many times. The tower is only slightly non-euclidean and you should really be familiar with the layout by now.
How has the Super Wizard Tower gone this long without realizing that rabies is a dangerous disease, and not a magical weapon?
-Wolf Knight
My, what an interesting and completely unpredictable question.
Will we at least get partial credit for Abstract Art classes? Elder [NAME DELETED] bent himself across all timelines in the middle of the semester.
-Throat-Punch Ballet
Unfortunately no. All material even tangentially related to Elder [NAME DELETED]'s classes* have been shredded, incinerated, loaded into an iron cannonball blessed by the Eight Priests of Happyshine, and catapulted into the Dark Undercold. And then blasted a few times with the Super Wizard orbital satellite beam.
*Elder Russel, teacher of the Interpretive Dance classes, will be remembered fondly. Not for the panicked dances that no one understood before being loaded into the cannonball, but for all the other dances that nobody understood.
When will the Tower start stocking the sparring arena with live targets again?
-Burning Mermaid
There...never were live targets in the sparring arena...
On that note, I suddenly have a very urgent matter to look into. I hope you all have a good weekend.
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