Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tools of the Trade (Part 2)

Today we'll be discussing part 2 in our ongoing examination of the many and varied tools of the Super Wizard occupation.  I'll also be touching on some of the Excessive Force weapons.

Miscellaneous tools

"Crimson Bovine" Diet Power Beverage:  Although not nearly as popular as the regular beverage, the "Crimson Bovine" Diet Power Beverage is an important backup to keep around.  The healing properties of the diet variant are not quite as strong, but it can be used by those who can't or won't have the sweeter natural version.  For some super wizards, losing a few fingers is an acceptable trade to staying on their diet!
Half the calories, all the flavor*, twice the carcinogens!  Partially non-toxic.
*Admittedly, this stuff tastes awful.

Box of Happyshine Happiness:  As suggested by its name, the primary export of the city of Happyshine is happiness.  It, of course, has a vast number of uses for the average person and Super Wizard alike! 


Weaponized Grizzly Bears:  Use your imagination.
Comes with a honey-back guarantee.  Keep away from picnic baskets.

Excessive Force Weaponry

The Super Wizard Tower has access to a number of special weapons that are only used for specific situations.  Training for these weapons is typically not made available to students until post-graduation.

X-52 Giant Robot:  Upgrade from X51 giant robot.  No longer requires combination of five smaller tiger robots.  For the solitary galactic hero.  Equipped with scream-activated weaponry and red paint job to increase speed.
The X-52 Giant Robot is currently in for repairs* at the local Happyshine repair shop "Price-Gougers." As they're mostly used to repair carts, it's expected to take a while.
*Turns out the X-52 Giant Robot does not accept "Crimson Bovine" Diet Power Beverage as a fuel source, only the regular kind.

Orbital Satellite Beam: I've mentioned this one in passing. The Orbital Satellite beam is a piece of ancient, magic technology in orbit around the planet. By speaking the magic incantation and pressing a correct combination of keys on an enchanted tablet, the Orbital Satellite beam can be positioned and let loose a devastating stream of magical energy at a target.
Note: Use of the Orbital Satellite Beam is NOT to be practiced indoors in the Sparing Arena. This is a mistake that is never to be repeated a second time.
Gaze into the single, unblinking eye of the angel of death. Or don't, because it fires giant lasers.

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