Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Student Highlights Week 1: Turbo Thunder

Name: Turbo Thunder

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Hometown: Happyshine

Strengths: Turbo Thunder is the very model of what Super Wizards strive to be.  He's strong, kind, and incredibly knowledgeable* of the Super Wizard way.  As far as classes go, Turbo excels most in Ignorance and Archeomancy
*So to speak.

Weaknesses: Turbo can be, perhaps, a bit too eager and excitable.  There's never been someone who's excelled so much at Ignorance, with all the benefits and...challenges that entails.  Also, the Elders have noted that while Turbo does very well with most of the martial disciplines, he seems somewhat hesitant to use them outside of training.

History: Turbo is one of the students that was born in Happyshine and spent his early childhood in the shadow of the Tower.  As soon as he was old enough, he begged his parents to let him take the Super Wizard entrance tests, and he passed with flying colors.  Since then, he has continued this trend throughout his entire career at the tower, and has even been asked to assist in tutoring students.  He has spent the past two years as team captain of the Happyshine Heretics* and has led the team to their many victories by default.
*The Council of Elders acknowledges that Turbo, like everyone else, does not actually know how to play Wizardball.  Elder Mary has been quoted as saying "The top performer in a school is always captain of the sports team as well.  That's obviously just how things work."

Notes: Turbo was one of the students that enrolled in Elder Ted's class, but it seems to have been the first class on record that went completely over his head.  He seems to have an admirable innate resistance to logic in any form, and because of this the Council decided to make he and Wolf Knight* Room mates**.  While the success of this has been debatable, it would seem that the two of them have formed a friendship***.

Turbo has been mentioned in one or two Doomsday prophecies, but really, who hasn't in this day and age?

*Wolf Knight has been the most deeply effected by the Elder Ted incident.
**One member of the council expressed concern about Wolf Knight's logic rubbing off on Turbo in spite of his resistance.  They say you can still hear some members of the council laughing to this day.
***Of sorts.  Wolf Knight has yet to attack Turbo, which is more than can be said for Elder Pierre****.
****The Tower, of course, wishes Elder Pierre a quick recovery and hopes that he enjoys his paid vacation so much that he decides to forgo his litigation threats.

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