Name: Burning Mermaid
Sex: Female
Race: Literally a demon
Hometown: Guess
Strengths: Burning Mermaid has shown extraordinary promise in all (Non-Excessive Force)Super Wizard martial disciplines except for one. She's considered a Violenceomancy prodigy, but has staunchly refused to even consider rabies training. When asked, she has been quoted as saying "Rabies is not a weapon, it is a disease. If you try and ask me to take your "class" again, I will make you suffer in 97 different ways that your flimsy mortal minds cannot even comprehend." After lengthy* discussion, the council has unanimously decided not to push the issue.
*About 3 minutes
Weaknesses: Restraint, mercy, people skills.
History: Burning Mermaid's origins date back to a fairly dark time in the history of the Super Wizard Tower. Most of the senior Super Wizards had met their untimely demise at Elder George's 'Try and scale the Cliffs of Inconceivable Frustration' contest*, Student enrollment was at an all-time low and Happyshine was threatening to kick us out because of inability to pay taxes. The council decided a fun and healthy way to increase student enrollment was to summon new students from the infernal realms (or their parents) and try and convince them to enroll (or enroll their children.) Most laughed it off, but one of the summoned demons said that they had a daughter and would consider enrollment when she came of age and the time was right.
*Elder George was sternly chastised for this and did not suggest it again until at least a month later.
Soon after, there was an influx of normal students and the summoning experiment was all but forgotten for years. It was a dark night in which the moon ran red with actual blood. The sealed doors to the kitchen were flung open and Burning Mermaid (8 years old) emerged in a cloud of hate and brimstone carrying a pink lunchbox and a completed enrollment form.
The year she took the naming ritual is significant in that she was the only survivor. The ritual overseer for the ritual that year has suggested keeping Burning Mermaid away from "Crimson Bovine" Power Beverage at all costs in between wailing "I have seen the end! We can't stop it, we can only slow it down! Whatever you do, don't-" Etc, etc. He was referred to the tower Doomsday Scribe to write down his various warnings along with the rest of them*.
*And then immediately forget about them, as is the custom.
Notes: Burning Mermaid is supposedly one of the students affected by the fallout of the Elder Ted incident. While her psychopathic tendencies make it so that nobody has been quite willing to find out for sure, some theorize that she's on the same level as Wolf Knight. Others argue that she's always been like that, and still others have suggested she shouldn't even be at the tower shortly before their unfortunate disappearances. Most don't suggest anything regarding Burning Mermaid anymore.
Burning Mermaid was not intended to have a student highlight, and certainly not intended to be the first, but
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